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family breeding中文是什么意思

用"family breeding"造句"family breeding"怎么读"family breeding" in a sentence


  • 家系繁育
  • 家畜繁育


  • I do . five generations of lodge family breeding
    我了解啊. . .洛奇家族五代的强悍血统啊
  • The health of one ' s grandchildren and the type of family breeding that they are going to receive ( upon which great emphasis is laid ) depend entirely upon the breeding of the daughter - in - law herself
    孙儿的健康和他们所将受的家庭教养(这一点很受人们的重视) ,完全要看媳妇自己所受的教养如何。
  • This paper mainly discusses the characters of primary aquatic product and family breeding by collecting literature researches on industry organization of food safety . it also studies the impacting on the food quality and safety behaviors from the industry vertical connection and culturist organization through connecting with the case of process firm - culturist organization in zhoushan , zhejiang
    本研究在总结以往食品质量安全的产业组织研究的基础上,探讨了初级水产品和养殖家庭经营的特征,结合浙江舟山养殖? ?加工产业组织实际情况,对产业内纵向联系和养殖户组织对养殖户食品质量安全行为的影响进行了研究。
  • Thereafter , through to analyze cost and price of different raw milk production organizations and administration , to make a conclusion that the three different raw milk production organizations have different superiority and shortcoming , base on current development of dairy industry , farmer ' s family breeding cow organization is the better raw milk production organization , it ' s aim is large - scale raw milk production and highest economic efficiency , regard farmers " cow raising as basic factor , form the cow cooperative organization 、 stock cooperative cow dairy and cow greeting zone
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